======= Rosters ======= Rosters is the system that is used to define the target systems to create connections to with Heist. The default roster system is called `flat` and uses the POP ``rend`` system to render the datasets. .. note:: By using the ``flat`` roster you can make roster files using yaml, json, toml etc. and template the files making it easy to allow for logic to make larger lists easier. Don't worry! You don't need to know anything about ``rend`` to use rosters. Just know that there is a robust system under the hood to make your life easier! Defining a basic roster is easy: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry password: foobar In this roster we are using the default yaml ``rend`` system. It is also very simple because it is just a password login. Heist supports logging into systems using virtually any login mechanism available to SSH. The options are mapped directly to asyncssh and can be found here: https://asyncssh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#asyncssh.SSHClientConnectionOptions You can change the ``rend`` system used to render the rosters by setting the ``renderer`` option. By default this is set to yaml. Common Roster Options ===================== Use password authentication: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry password: foobar Using an SSH key for authentication: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry client_keys: - /path/to/ssh/key Using an SSH key with a passphrase for authentication: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry client_keys: - /path/to/ssh/key passphrase: "password" Using sudo: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry password: foobar sudo: True Using sudo with a tty. You need to set `tty` to True if you are using sudo and a password. Heist will interactively input the password defined in the roster when sudo asks for a password. If you have NOPASSWD set in /etc/sudoers for the defined user you do not need to set `tty` to True unless requiretty is set on your target. Here is an example: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry password: foobar sudo: True tty: True Using sudo with a tty while defining the term_type and term_size. The `term_type` and `term_size` are defining AsyncSSH's `term_type` and `term_size` options. The `term_type` defines the terminal type to use for the session. By default this is `xterm-color`. The `term_size` defines the terminal width and height in characters. By default `term_size` is set to (80,24). Here is an example of setting both `term_type` and `term_size`: .. code-block:: yaml username: harry password: foobar sudo: True tty: True term_type: xterm term_size: (80, 24) Roster Defaults =============== If you need to set roster options to be used for all hosts you are targeting you can set `roster_defaults` in the `heist` configuration file. The heist configuration file by default is at /etc/heist/heist.conf. .. code-block:: json {"roster_defaults": {"username": "root"}} List of Available Rosters ========================= .. toctree:: ../ref/rosters/index Roster Data =========== Heist allows you to pass in roster data without using a pre-definied roster file. The config `roster-data` allows a user to pass in json data to be used for the roster data. .. code-block:: bash heist salt.minion --roster-data='{"test1":{"host":"","username":"root","password":"hostpasswd"}}' The above command will use the host, username and password defined in the json data passed in with `--roster-data`. If you also use `roster-file` alongside `--roster-data`, heist will write the roster data to the specified roster file. For example: .. code-block:: bash heist salt.minion --roster-data='{"test1":{"host":"","username":"root","password":"hostpasswd"}}' --roster-file=/tmp/heist-roster This will write the data from `--roster-data` to the file /tmp/heist-roster.